Last night -- in recognition of the hospitality industry -- Toronto landmarks, hotels and attractions were illuminated purple to showcase our citywide support for all the hospitaly workers who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
In March alone, 800,000 restaurant jobs were lost, as the industry is one of the hardest hit, with over two thirds of the workforce lost.

Casa Loma turn their lights purple to show support for hospitality workers.
Establishments not only face devastating repercussions social distancing poses for their business models, but simply staying afloat during this time and not accruing an outlandish amount of debt will be difficult. Once social distancing measures begin to lift, it will be a struggle for some restaurants to open amid crippling debt and unpaid bills.
It is hard to decipher the longterm repercussions the pandemic will have on the hospitality industry and how the city of Toronto will adapt to a new normal.