The Winter Chocolate Show is coming to Toronto | TasteToronto
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The Winter Chocolate Show is coming to Toronto

5 years ago

Updated: 5 years ago

This is the ultimate place for chocolate lovers and is a chance to browse some of Canada's best, meet the chocolatiers and buy your favourite bars and treats.

This year, it will be at the Enoch Turner Schoolhouse at 106 Trinity Street from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., a full day of discovering and tasting chocolate!

Also, the first 25 people through the door with a paid ticket that day will receive a free goodie bag full of Canadian chocolate, which is just the motivation you need to check it out and buy tickets now.

While Chocolate show-goers can expect to browse and buy, there are also informative seminars throughout the day. Seminar topics include the origins of chocolate, how to discover new flavours and explore the complexity of cacao, a curated tasting and a 'Meet the Makers' session.

Did we mention it's happening right before Valentine's Day?