Have you ever really thought about how your beer was made? How much raw material, power, water and fossil fuel it takes to enjoy that crisp crack of a cold one? Over the last decade, we have seen an explosion in craft beer around Ontario. Lagers, IPAs, sours, saisons -- the list goes on. With seemingly endless choices in front of you as you gaze into the craft section of the LCBO or The Beer Store, one brewery is set to stand out from the rest. Karbon Brewing is not offering a new style or flavour of beer but a new way of brewing it, which begs the question. When was the last time you drank a beer that positively impacted the environment? The answer is never!

Aiming to hit the shelves early to mid-February, Karbon Brewing hopes to be Canada’s first carbon-negative brewery. Where other breweries plant millions of trees to offset their carbon footprint, founder Stephen Tyson is attempting to shake up the industry by bringing new technologies to the table. Solving the problem from the ground up instead of slapping a bandage over it. His mission is to create the most sustainable beer he can.

While they aren’t carbon negative yet, with help from third-party companies and technology to track, capture and recycle co2, as well as using local ingredients in their brewing process, Tyson plans to be by 2024. The bigger Karbon Brewing gets, the more opportunity they will have to impact the environment positively. Tyson hopes to pave the way for other breweries industry-wide to adapt to a more environmentally sustainable brewing process and use his brand as a platform to tackle social justice issues. Karbon’s flagship brew will be an IPA called J.E.D.I., which stands for justice, equity, diversity, inclusion. What can’t this brewery do?
Visit their website to find out what they are up to.