I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. This sentiment could not be any more accurate for the newest addition to summertime ice cream pop-ups in the city. The Screamery, Toronto's newest and undeniably in high-demand ice cream offering, is doling out decadent and awe-inducing flavours that have captivated Torontonians.

The Screamery is headed by founder Varsha Sreekumar, who following setbacks at work from COVID-19 turned to the comfort of ice cream making. A skilled baker with a soft spot for the churned dessert, Sreekumar was looking for a therapeutic release in the midst of grappling with the pandemic and quarantine.
“I decided to call it the Screamery, because I turned to making ice cream during a time where I felt so powerless by things happening in my life, that all I could do was scream,” Sreekumar tells 247 News Around The World.
With the help of her best friend Sam, Sreekumar conceives of a different theme each week that features two new flavours. The weekly theme is announced every Sunday and you have until Wednesday at 12 p.m. to place your order via email. Invoices are sent via PayPal and orders are confirmed once payment is received. Pints come in the standard 500 ml and cost around $12.50.

Ice cream is churned fresh-to-order and curbside pickup is available Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at either Queen and Gladstone or Humber Bay Shores in Etobicoke.
The duo's mission is to bring their favourite desserts to life in ice cream form without cutting any corners. The ice cream is high-quality with no skimping on mix-ins. A few flavours that have been available thus far are Chocolate Brownie Batter, Red Velvet Cheesecake and Birthday Cake Batter Crumble.

Sreekumar mentions the possibility of developing a set-menu one day but for now is pleased with the flexibility to experiment on a whim.